A DIY Outdoor Wedding at the Catamount Outdoor Center in Williston, Vermont
Amy grew up in Vermont and Mark grew up in Oregon, but the couple met in San Francisco. Mark was opening artisan marketsand Amy worked around the corner from him. "He made me Americanos everymorning and I thought he was just dreamy," she says. Their first date was to theSan Francisco Zoo, followed by a walk on the beach, followed bygetting slightly lost and taking just about every mode of publictransportation to get home. Mark proposed on Earth Day ("Not on purpose!" Amy says) after a trail run at their favorite hiking spot on the OldSalmon River near Mt. Hood, Oregon. The couple shared agranola bar and soon after Mark asked Amy if she would share her life withhim!Amy and Mark got married at the Catamount Outdoor Center in Williston, Vermont, where Amy used to do cross country ski races. Vintage and handmade elements like 150 jam jar favors made by Amy's mother, hand embroidered vintage hankies as gifts, handmade signs and lawn game boards, and floral arrangements made by a close family friend added a personal, unique touch to the wedding.