A Classic Lake Ontario Cruise Wedding with Mariposa Cruises in Toronto, Ontario
Melissa Brown (28, a Quality Assurance Specialist) and Ian Lewis (35, working for the City of Toronto) wanted their wedding day to reflect both of their personalities. "I like simple yet classic things and my husband is an outdoorsy type, but a city guy at heart," Melissa says. The pair met in the middle with an elegant, classic ceremony outdoors at a parkette in Toronto ("A rural oasis in the heart of the city with beautiful towering trees and ivy," Melissa describes) followed by a reception aboard the Captain Matthew Flinders ship, part of the Mariposa Cruise line. A color palette of coral and blue complemented the personalities of the couple. A highlight for Melissa? The mother-son dance. "Being a single mom hasn't been easy, but my son is the greatest gift and blessing I have ever received. He made me so proud walking me down the aisle and dancing with me at the end of the night; he made my day!" Melissa says. Check out more photos by Samantha Ong Photography below!